Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Tesla Acknowledges Me/Donation!

Except not really. They replied to a comment I made on a post. Which was exciting! Hoping they decided to check my page out, but probably not. They have better things to do like saving the world from gas and cool stuff like that.

A contribution was made today!! WOOO By Nicholas Steenberg an awesome kid looking to intern for Tesla Motors! I also began the application process for a Tesla Motors, but as a  product specialist. There is one about 40 minutes away from me. Is it far? sorta. Would it be worth it? Totally.
I would walk into work every day with big smile like this:

Because who wouldnt be excited to go in every day?
Going down there tomorrow to talk to some people, see what the drive is like and if the position is still open. #excited. Hoping the day goes as planned and I am able to actually go down there. Lord knows I'll spend a few hours sitting in a Tesla if they have some on site for display. I don't see why they wouldnt, but you never know. Hope for the best, expect the worst right?

Anyways here is what was posted for Nicholas 

For whatever reason I can not see it on my page. He can, so that is all that matters. What a cool guy.

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